We’re transforming narratives. We’re rewriting stories.

From belting out the lyrics to a favourite song to hanging a print of a painting that’s been shared for generations, we’re constantly consuming art. And most of us don’t question the stories that these things hold. We just repeat them and pass them down.

At Palimpsest Projects, we’re instead intervening in the status quo while preserving heritage – and critically evaluating the lineages of ideas and techniques. Through contemporary art, we’re able to honour different artists’ lived experiences by studying how they’ve taken on society’s pre-existing stories to then carve out their own.

In turn, our featured artists are teaching us how and why artistic innovation comes from that just-so-delicate balance between destruction and creation.

Our Autumn Exhibition

Our opening exhibition features a variety of rewritten stories through visual, verbal or tactile language that is distinctive to each artist’s navigation of the world – and their negotiation with society.

Deep Mapping and
Artistic Exploration

Join us this autumn as we dive into practices of ‘deep mapping’, excavating the histories of storied walking routes from South London, to Greater South West London, to beyond. This process of filtering one’s memories and subjective experiences with an immediate walking route has inspired many modern and contemporary artists alike.

Christie Swallow, 'Under the Reservoir There Was a Village', Quiltwork, Detail, Cropped

Stitching and Weaving

Connecting and intertwining across different materials – while considering their histories and relationships to intersectional social movements, from decolonisation to feminism to queer freedom – have helped us unravel and mend the truth with some of the most poignant stories of our times.

Khushboo, 'Whispers of the Past', detail, cropped

Cut, Paste, Collage, Repeat

Explore how cutting up old texts and using print media can inspire new ‘chance encounters’ that even AI can’t mimic. We’ll also explore ways of remixing what’s tactile with what’s in virtual and digital space.

Oriane Stender's Bookpage Weaving, Detail Close-up, Cropped

Sponsor Our Artists

We’re currently fundraising to launch Palimpsest Projects as a not-for-profit curatorial platform, working nomadically from place to place. We want to pay our artists for sharing their significant ideas and artistic work. If you also value creativity and their storytelling skills, consider contributing to our fundraising campaign.