This Language Rematerialised

25 September – 20 October 2024

Wednesdays – Sundays
12 – 5pm and by appointment

Our opening exhibition features a variety of rewritten stories through visual, verbal or tactile language that is distinctive to each artist’s navigation of the world – and their negotiation with society.

With 4 artists who are in early stages of their careers in dialogue with 4 others who have been further along, the show initiates a generational and geographical exchange of lived experiences and approaches to making new stories from the old.

A central aim is to indicate how contemporary art can be a form of expression for both holding onto and rejecting – remediating and restoring – in society, as part of a lifelong process of evolving one’s sense of self and identity.

Image above: Detail from Khushboo, Whispers of the Past, 2023, hand-felted merino wool and hand-embroidered stitching.